
新技術(shù)為油氣田帶來新生產(chǎn)壽命周期 2006-02-24 14:56 《中華工控網(wǎng)》翻譯

A productive new life for oil and gas fields


ABB is part of a unique consortium of oil and gas industry suppliers in Norway to sign a technology development deal with the Norwegian oil giant, Statoil.


Twenty researchers from the consortium partners – which include ABB, IBM, Aker Kværner and SKF – will work with Statoil researchers over the next 3.5 years developing technology to improve productivity and operating efficiency of oil and gas fields, old and new.

來自包括ABB、IBM、Aker Kværner SKF等公司組成的聯(lián)盟的二十個研究員,將在未來的三年半時間里,和Statoil的研究人員一道開發(fā)提高新老油田和氣田生產(chǎn)力和操作效率的技術(shù)。

Statoil and the consortium partners believe that integrated operations technologies will not only increase the lifetime and extraction potential of oil and gas fields, but also enhance safety and minimize environmental risks on platforms.

Statoil 和聯(lián)盟的成員均相信,集成的操作技術(shù)不但可以增加油田和氣田的開采時間和提取潛力,而且可以增強安全性和減少平臺上的環(huán)境污染。

Integrated operations is the name for automation, online monitoring and enhanced production technologies that provide better overview and control of oil and gas production, which at the same time enhances operational safety.


Research focus

In particular, the research will focus on status surveillance, upgrade and maintenance shutdowns and more efficient maintenance operations with the help of new technology and robots at offshore installations.


ABB will act as consortium lead, and will contribute software to help boost production and improve processes, as well as new concepts for safe and cost-effective operations of facilities. ABB already offers an enhanced oil production portfolio designed to increase oil and gas production, and has strong business ties to Statoil.


As well as consortium and Statoil researchers, the development initiative includes cooperation with The Research Council of Norway, small and medium-sized niche technology players, research institutes as well as universities and colleges.


Field-testing new ideas

“The project is an ideal opportunity to develop the oilfield technologies of tomorrow in cooperation with a demanding end-user like Statoil,” said Håvard Moe, ABB's manager of LCC Enhanced Oil Production. “It is also a perfect means of field-testing new concepts and technology before taking them to the global market.”

ABB 增強型石油生產(chǎn)壽命周期成本(LCC)經(jīng)理Håvard Moe說:“通過與象Statoil公司這樣的終端用戶的需求的合作,這項工程是是發(fā)展未來油田技術(shù)的絕好機會。同時這也是在推向全球市場之前現(xiàn)場測試新概念和技術(shù)的理想方法?!?/SPAN>

ABB now supplies oil and gas customers with electrical equipment (motors, drives, frequency converters, etc) instrumentation, service agreements on safety and control systems, and automation equipment to both onshore and offshore installations.


The Troll A solution
Troll A

In 2005, Statoil’s Troll A became the first offshore natural gas platform to be powered by an ABB high voltage direct current (HVDC) cable link to an electricity source on shore, about 70 kilometers away. ABB’s Troll A solution also included a very high voltage (VHV) motor to efficiently power compressors needed to compensate for declining reservoir pressure.

2005年,StatoilTroll A成為第一個由ABB高壓直流電線供電的海上天然氣鉆井平臺,電力來源是一個距離70公里遠的陸上地方。ABB Troll A解決方案還包括一個超高壓(VHV)電動機,高效地為一個補償水壓下降必需的壓縮機提供動力。

The result for Statoil has been considerable energy and cost savings, as well as environmental, health and safety benefits



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