

OPT Shines in VISION Germany 2024 2024-10-23 09:04 來源:廣東奧普特科技股份有限公司


  From October 8th to 10th, the world-renowned German Vision Exhibition was held in Stuttgart. As a major player in the industry, the exhibition is highly professional, with more than 470 companies and 40,000 professional visitors from all over the world visiting the exhibition.Together, they provide a complete overview of all products and services in the field of image processing and offer insights into future technologies.

  一直以來,OPT 積極布局全球市場,致力于將先進的機器視覺產(chǎn)品和技術推向世界。此次亮相德國 VISION 展,正是 OPT 向全球展示其強大實力和創(chuàng)新成果的絕佳契機。

  OPT has always been actively expanding the global market and is committed to contributing cutting-edge machine vision products and technologies to the world. OPT took this opportunity to make a splendid appearance at the German Vision Exhibition, showing its outstanding achievements and innovative capabilities to the audience.


  OPT has the most comprehensive machine vision product line in the industry. At this time, OPT appeared stunningly with cutting-edge technological achievements and innovative vision solutions, and its outstanding performance attracted much attention.

  展會期間,OPT聚焦智能制造與視覺技術的融合創(chuàng)新,以及探討視覺領域的可持續(xù)健康發(fā)展,充分展現(xiàn)公司在機器視覺領域的突出優(yōu)勢。在現(xiàn)場,OPT重點展示的五大產(chǎn)品類別—工業(yè)相機、工業(yè)鏡頭、智能讀碼器、3D傳感器以及 SmartAxis 系列對射式測量傳感器,以出色的產(chǎn)品性能與獨特的工業(yè)設計風格,贏得廣泛贊譽。

  From multiple perspectives, the show highlighted OPT's outstanding strengths in the Machine Vision industry, with a particular focus on intelligent manufacturing, technological innovation, and sustainable development. During the exhibition, OPT carefully laid out five major product categories and has won widespread acclaim for its excellent product performance and unique industrial design style: Industrial Cameras, Industrial Lenses, Smart Code Readers, 3D Laser Profilers, and the SmartAxis Series Thru-beam Measurement Sensors.

  在展會高峰論壇上,OPT 德國子公司高級技術工程師 Markus Wicht 代表 OPT 發(fā)表了主題演講,他深入介紹了 OPT 在機器視覺領域的先進應用案例及前沿技術成果,全面覆蓋2D、3D以及深度學習領域,并對機器視覺行業(yè)的技術創(chuàng)新方向展開深入探討。

  At the exhibition's peak forum, Markus Wicht, a senior technical engineer from OPT Germany Subsidiary, delivered a keynote speech on behalf of OPT. He provided in-depth insights into OPT's comprehensive machine vision solutions, including 2D and 3D inspection technologies, as well as its innovative strategies and plans for deep learning.

  演講現(xiàn)場,Markus 展示了 OPT 機器視覺前沿應用案例—— 極耳翻折檢測方案,該方案采用OPT 研發(fā)的高速相機和高亮度的RIC半環(huán)形光源巧妙組合,實現(xiàn)多工位并行同步檢測。同時,結(jié)合數(shù)據(jù)增強模型泛化能力,精準提取、分類極耳的缺陷特征,有效避免誤判、漏檢等情況,成功破解極耳多工序缺陷檢測難題。

  Markus also showcased the latest developments in OPT’s machine vision systems, featuring a cutting-edge application case—Electrode Tab Folding, this solution is suitable for detecting bare cell electrode tab defects, enabling online detection of defects such as folding wrinkling, and damage of bare cell electrode tabs. OPT combined high-speed camera+high-brightness RIC semi-ring light source, simultaneous multi-station parallel detection to leverage data enhancement model generalization capabilities, adaptable to multi-scale folding target detection under different lighting conditions.


  We are grateful to the VISION exhibition for providing a platform where we could connect with pioneers in the machine vision industry and explore the latest products, technologies, and trends such as embedded vision, hyperspectral imaging, and deep learning. In the future, OPT will continue to lead the industry and share the latest technological advances in machine vision with the world.

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