
霍尼韋爾調(diào)查:數(shù)據(jù)分析投資在上升 2016-09-18 17:12 《中華工控網(wǎng)》翻譯

Honeywell Survey: Data analytics investment on the rise


A recent survey of manufacturing executives indicates many respondents (67 percent) are pressing ahead with plans to invest in data analytics even as they pare back spending in other areas to combat tough business conditions.


The reason: Many say they view data analytics – a key component of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) – as a viable solution to a cycle of problems that lead to downtime and lost revenue.


More than 200 North American manufacturing executives took part in the survey titled “Data’s Big Impact on Manufacturing: A Study of Executive Opinions.” The survey was jointly conducted by Honeywell Process Solutions (HPS) and KRC Research Inc., from May 23 to June 8, 2016.

200多名北美制造領域高管參加了這個題為“數(shù)據(jù)對制造業(yè)的大影響:管理者觀點研究”的調(diào)查,活動由霍尼韋爾過程解決方案和KRC Research公司聯(lián)合開展,時間從2016年5月23日至6月8日。

“Executives need to keep their businesses running smoothly and safely, and they’re banking on IIoT technologies to help navigate challenges, even during cash-strapped times,” said Andrew Hird, vice president and general manager, HPS Digital Transformation. “The IIoT by Honeywell is the next step in that evolution.”

“管理者需要保持業(yè)務的平穩(wěn)和安全運行,即便是在現(xiàn)金緊張時候,他們也投資工業(yè)物聯(lián)網(wǎng)技術以應對挑戰(zhàn),” 霍尼韋爾過程控制部數(shù)字化轉(zhuǎn)型業(yè)務副總裁兼總經(jīng)理Andrew Hird說道。“霍尼韋爾工業(yè)物聯(lián)網(wǎng)方案正是實現(xiàn)這個演變的下一步舉措。”

Among other key findings of the survey:

•    Some companies are feeling pressure to continue working under the threats of unscheduled downtime and equipment breakdowns, which are viewed the most detrimental to maximizing revenue.

•    The majority of companies say they are already investing in data analytics technology.

•    More than a quarter said they don’t plan to invest in data analytics in the next year; of that group, not understanding the benefits of data analytics and inadequate resources are among the most cited reasons for this lack of investment.


•    一些公司面臨在意外停機及設備故障的威脅下不得不繼續(xù)運營的壓力,而這些因素正是擴大收益的最大障礙。

•    大多數(shù)公司表示它們已經(jīng)開始對數(shù)據(jù)分析技術進行投資。

•    超過25%的受訪者表示在未來一年不打算對數(shù)據(jù)分析進行投資,他們給出的大部分原因,主要是不了解數(shù)據(jù)分析所帶來的好處以及資源不足。

A Tough Cycle of Downtime


Unscheduled downtime was ranked as the top threat to maximizing revenue, but 42 percent of respondents admitted to running equipment harder than they should. When asked how often their companies experienced a list of issues in recent years, 71 percent of respondents said they experienced equipment breakdowns at least occasionally, while 64 percent said the same for unscheduled downtime.


“Running plant equipment harder than appropriate presents a host of issues ranging from equipment breakdowns to potential safety incidents,” said Hird. “Those issues inevitably lead to more downtime, which leads back to lost revenue. It’s easy to see how many companies feel they’re caught in a vicious cycle. Predictive analytics achieved through an effective solution can help companies break out of that cycle.”

Hird 表示:“工廠設備超負荷運行會帶來設備故障、潛在安全事故等一系列問題。這些問題無可避免地會導致更多的停機時間,從而造成營收損失。很明顯,很多企業(yè)覺得他們陷入了一個惡性循環(huán)。通過一個有效的解決方案來實現(xiàn)預測性分析可以幫助企業(yè)打破這種循環(huán)。”

Forty percent ranked unscheduled downtime as the biggest threat to maximizing revenue. Other threats included:

•    Supply chain management issues (39 percent)

•    Inadequate staffing (37 percent)

•    Off-spec products (36 percent)

•    Equipment breakdowns (32 percent)


•    供應鏈管理問題(39%)

•    人員配備不足(37%)

•    產(chǎn)品不合格(36%)

•    設備故障(32%)

Data Analytics as a Viable Solution


Data analytics is a key component of a successful IIoT implementation for manufacturers. Most respondents had favorable views of the benefits of data analytics as a solution. For example, the executives said they agreed big data analytics can reduce the occurences of:

•    Equipment breakdowns (70 percent)

•    Unscheduled downtime (68 percent)

•    Unscheduled maintenance (64 percent)

•    Supply chain management issues (60 percent)


•    設備故障(70%)

•    意外停機(68%)

•    非計劃維護(64%)

•    供應鏈管理問題(60%)

Respondents said they believe data can enable well-informed decisions in real time (63 percent), limit waste (57 percent), and predict the risk of downtime (56 percent).


“It’s easy to put that puzzle together – these executives correctly believe data analytics can help them combat the biggest threat they see to business: unscheduled downtime,” Hird said. “This is why they feel it makes sense to continue investing.”

Hird 說道:“道理很簡單,這些高管明白數(shù)據(jù)分析能夠幫助他們應對業(yè)務運營所面臨的頭號威脅:意外停機。所以他們覺得有必要繼續(xù)投資。”

Additionally, more than two-thirds of respondents (68 percent) said they are currently investing in data analytics, and 50 percent said they believe their companies are right on track in their use of data analytics. Fifteen percent said they believe their companies are ahead of the curve as it relates to data analytics usage.


Not Everyone is Sold


While the majority of respondents said they are already investing and/or planning to increase their investments in data analytics in the coming year, 32 percent said they are not currently investing in data analytics. Meanwhile, 33 percent said their companies are not planning to invest in data analytics in the next 12 months, or are unaware of any plans to do so.


Of those who currently have no plans to invest:

•    61 percent believe their organizations already have systems in place to ensure safety, yield and success

•    45 percent said their companies have seen some growth without data analytics

•    42 percent said they don’t fully understand the benefits of big data

•    35 percent believe people are overstating the benefits of big data


•    61%的人認為現(xiàn)有的架構系統(tǒng)能夠確保安全性、保證產(chǎn)量,并獲得成功

•    45%的人表示在沒有數(shù)據(jù)分析的情況下他們公司依然實現(xiàn)了一定增長

•    42%的人表示他們對大數(shù)據(jù)的好處不甚了解

•    35%的人表示人們夸大了大數(shù)據(jù)所能帶來的好處

Sixty-three percent of respondents who said they have no investment plans indicated they just don’t have the resources to appropriately do so, while 39 percent said they don’t have the right staff to make the most of data analytics.


“For some companies, hurdles remain before the IIoT can be fully adopted,” explained Hird. “Some don’t believe they need it while others say they lack the resources to do it right. The good news is that IIoT is something that doesn’t require a wholesale change – it can be phased and scaled depending on an individual company’s circumstances. This is precisely why Honeywell says IIoT represents an evolution, not a revolution.”

“對于一些公司來說,部署工業(yè)物聯(lián)網(wǎng)仍然存在著一些障礙,” Hird 解釋道。“有些認為他們并不需要,另外一些則表示缺少合適的資源。好消息就是,工業(yè)物聯(lián)網(wǎng)并不需要企業(yè)大規(guī)模的改變——它可以根據(jù)各個公司的具體情況分階段實施和擴展。這也正是霍尼韋爾將工業(yè)物聯(lián)網(wǎng)稱為一個演變,而不是變革的原因。”

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