
霍尼韋爾和都福能源進行資產完整性管理合作 2016-12-26 16:11 《中華工控網》翻譯

Honeywell and Dover Energy collaborate for asset integrity management

December 22, 2016 — Honeywell and Dover Energy Automation today announced they will collaborate as part of the Honeywell INspire program, Honeywell’s joint customer development program for its Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) ecosystem, helping industrial energy customers improve the safety, efficiency and reliability of their operations.

2016年12月22日消息——霍尼韋爾和都福能源自動化公司(Dover Energy Automation)今天宣布,兩家公司將展開合作,幫助工業(yè)能源客戶提高其操作的安全性、效率和可靠性。這個合作將成為霍尼韋爾INspire項目的一部分,該項目是霍尼韋爾為其工業(yè)物聯(lián)網(IIoT)生態(tài)系統(tǒng)發(fā)起的聯(lián)合客戶開發(fā)項目。

“It is clear that a robust ecosystem is key to successfully implementing an effective IIoT solution for manufacturers,” said Andrew Hird, vice president and general manager of Honeywell Process Solutions’ Digital Transformation business. “The need for domain knowledge and experience across a range of applications to quickly and fully evaluate a plant’s needs cannot be overstated.

霍尼韋爾過程解決方案(HPS)數字轉型業(yè)務副總裁兼總經理Andrew Hird 說:“很明顯,一個強大的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)是為制造商成功實施有效工業(yè)物聯(lián)網解決方案的關鍵。對一系列不同應用所需的專業(yè)知識和經驗,以便快速和全面地評估工廠的需求,無論怎么強調都不過分。”

HPS’ IIoT ecosystem is a key part of Honeywell’s Connected Plant initiative that helps manufacturers leverage IIoT to improve the safety, efficiency and reliability of operations across a single plant or several plants across an enterprise.


Dover Energy Automation is a recognized global supplier of products, intelligent productivity tools and related automation software for the energy sector that enable oil and gas operators to monitor, predict and optimize performance to improve productivity. Dover’s products and solutions are marketed under multiple brands, including Windrock monitoring and analytical solutions for rotating and vibrating equipment, Quartzdyne downhole pressure transducers, and Well Site Automation suite of solutions for onshore well performance optimization.

都福能源自動化是能源領域全球知名的產品、智能生產力工具及相關自動化軟件供應商,幫助石油和天然氣運營商監(jiān)控、預測和優(yōu)化性能,提高生產率。都福旗下有多個品牌的產品和解決方案,包括用于旋轉和振動設備的Windrock監(jiān)測和分析解決方案,Quartzdyne井下壓力傳感器,以及用于陸上油井性能優(yōu)化的Well Site Automation解決方案套件。

Honeywell’s capabilities in data consolidation, cyber security and software development combine well with Dover’s domain knowledge in condition monitoring and asset optimization to offer an IIoT ecosystem that is designed to help customers solve previously unsolvable problems.


The goal, Hird said, is a simple-to-use infrastructure that gives customers secure methods to capture and aggregate data so that it can be leveraged by using analytics and applying a range of domain knowledge from a vast ecosystem of equipment vendors and process licensors.


With a larger, consolidated data set, manufacturers can apply higher analytics for more detailed insights, scale the data as needed to meet the varied needs of single-site or enterprise-wide operations, and leverage a wider pool of data experts for monitoring and analysis.


The Honeywell INspire program brings together a community of technology users and providers – including customers, equipment vendors, process licensors and Honeywell experts – that will jointly develop solutions for a myriad of operational challenges. Honeywell and its collaborators such as Dover are leveraging the IIoT to help customers minimize unplanned shutdowns, maximize output, minimize safety risk and optimize supply chain strategies.


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