
施耐德電氣幫助菲律賓電力公司優(yōu)化智能電網運營 2017-04-20 17:35 《中華工控網》翻譯

Schneider Electric helps Philippines power company optimize smart grid operations

Schneider Electric, a specialist in energy management and automation, announced that National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) has expanded its enterprise data management solution, Wonderware eDNA, to optimize grid operations. Schneider Electric enables NGCP to bridge the gap between operational and information technologies (IT/OT) to enhance real-time visibility into operations for improved efficiency.

能源管理與自動化專家施耐德電氣宣布,菲律賓國家電網公司(NGCP)擴大其企業(yè)數據管理解決方案Wonderware eDNA,以優(yōu)化電網運營。施耐德電氣幫助NGCP彌合運營技術和信息技術(IT / OT)之間的差距,提高運營的實時可見性,從而提高效率。

NGCP is responsible for delivering safe and reliable power to customers in the Philippines over more than 21,000 circuit kilometers of transmission lines. Cost, resource and energy optimization pressure drove NGCP to invest further in their Schneider Electric solution – turning disparate data into actionable intelligence. Wonderware eDNA consolidates data from control, monitoring and business systems in a fully redundant server architecture, protecting the company’s data in the event of an unexpected shutdown. Control center operators can access high-fidelity, real-time data to improve decision support while aligning with a strategic initiative to upgrade, expand and strengthen transmission operations.

NGCP負責為菲律賓客戶提供安全可靠的電力,管理著超過2萬1千公里的電線路線。成本、資源和能源優(yōu)化的壓力迫使NGCP進一步投入施耐德電氣解決方案——將不同的數據轉化為可操作的信息。Wonderware eDNA在完全冗余的服務器架構中整合來自控制、監(jiān)控和業(yè)務系統(tǒng)的數據,即使在意外關閉的情況下也可以保護公司的數據??刂浦行倪\營人員可以訪問高保真的實時數據,改進決策支持,同時配合戰(zhàn)略計劃來升級、擴展和加強電力傳輸操作。

“Wonderware offers enhanced visibility into our operations by consolidating data from SCADA systems from across the Philippines archipelago,” said Ronald A. Pascasio, Head of SCADA, Luzon System Operations at NGCP, “Using Wonderware eDNA we know our data is dependable and accurate, so we can provide precise system analysis, especially during significant incidents; improve and modernize our grid operations and prepare our transition to the smart grid.”

NGCP 呂宋系統(tǒng)運營SCADA主管Ronald A. Pascasio表示:“Wonderware通過整合來自菲律賓群島SCADA系統(tǒng)的數據,提高了我們運營的可見性。利用Wonderware eDNA讓我們知道數據的可靠性和準確性,所以,我們可以提供精確的系統(tǒng)分析,特別是重大事件的系統(tǒng)分析;同時改進和升級我們的電網運營,并準備向智能電網過渡。”

As part of Schneider Electric’s open-ended Enterprise APM platform, eDNA provides enterprise-level decision support through data collection, storage, reporting and analysis. Advantages include “closing the loop” between systems to increase the collaboration of people, processes and assets for operational efficiency.


NGCP began their Schneider Electric software deployment in 2007 with an eDNA implementation at their Visayas control center and then expanded to facilities in Luzon and Mindanao control centers in 2012. Schneider Electric was the lead contractor throughout the project. Going forward, NGCP plans to continually expand and upgrade their data management infrastructure with Wonderware eDNA.

2007年,NGCP開始在其維薩亞斯控制中心部署施耐德電氣軟件,采用了eDNA,然后在2012年擴大至呂宋和棉蘭老州的控制中心。施耐德電氣是整個項目的主承包商。未來,NGCP計劃使用Wonderware eDNA不斷擴展和升級其數據管理基礎架構。

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